Monday, November 2, 2009

Getting Back to the Grind

Mondays are usually not my favorite days and, with the additional "fun" of now paying both my rent and my monthy metro card on a Monday, I could do without this weekday whose greek or latin origins must have something to do with the "god of social responsibilities."

It's not just that Monday means you have to make sure you have all your work together, organized, and ready to go, it means you actually have to mentally prepare to see it all go. I pay my rent and pass navigo in cash (unfortunatly this is the easiest way to do it, but I always get receipts) and it almost physically hurts me to see the large wad of freshly pressed cash leave my fingers and pay for something that I can't eat or wear. Even though I've budgeted these espenses, it feels like SO much money.

Luckily, my boyfriend knows how to deal with "a case of the mondays" and had a baguette ready to go when I got home (best surprise ever!). We went to a supermarket and picked up some hachis parmentier (the French equivalent of shepard's pie) for dinner and curled up warmly by the glowing laptop.

Jay had a much more interesting day than I did, so I suggest you read his blog where he shows pictures from his walk down to notre dame:

The christmas feeling is really setting in here -- I'll let you know when the big lights come out.

Total damages today:
1 chocolate bar at school: 80 centimes
1 hachis parmentier: 2,74 EUR
1 passe navigo (grrr, I hate that I need this now that it's cold): 56 EUR

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