Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Don't buy your chapstick in Paris

It took me way too long today to find a chapstick that cost less than 2 EUR a tube. Moral of the story: pick up a pair for a buck in LA before attempting to find something with which to brave the dry cold air in Paris.

In other news, I made a reservation at Le Timbre today. Jay and I will be dining there the 24th of October -- look for updates!

Coming soon:
tomorrow my photo class heads to Montmartre
Friday morning I head out to the salon du chocolat
Jay arrives the 23rd!

Total Damages today:
chapstick: 1,39
baguette: 80 centimes


  1. Hello ! I would like to know where did you buy your chapstick ?!

    Thank you !

  2. I ended up buying it at monoprix for 1,30. This was the cheap generic kind and clearly not worth the money. But it was the cheapest chapstick I could find. Since I didn't plan ahead and bring my own chapstick, it was the best option.

  3. Ok thank you, cuz' I've been looking for some Chapstick, but it's still difficult to find in France ... And it's so expensive to buy it on the internet !
